Lead Magnet | Personal Productivity Kit

Lead Magnet | Personal Productivity Kit



Tech Stack

Personal productivity kit — A set of five tools to increase your productivity


This lead magnet was sent through my mailing list to provide high-value content and engage the audience early on

The downloads page consisted of a very basic sales letter, you can see the draft below.

Currently, I don't have any screenshots of how the page turn it out in the end. But it was very similar to this design

This is part of the Leaning Project. Click here to see more.

One of the banners I used to attract attention on social media
One of the banners I used to attract attention on social media

Download Page Drafts

Download Page Drafts.pdf148.6KB

TOOL 1 - Matriz de Eisenhower (Eisenhower Matrix)

Objetivos S.M.A.R.T.pdf140.2KB

TOOL 2 - Perdas e Ganhos (Wins and Losses)

Perdas e Ganhos.pdf511.8KB

TOOL 3 - Plano de Tarefas do dia (Day Task Plan)

Plano de Tarefas Do Dia (Para Imprimir).pdf40.3KB

TOOL 4 - Objetivos S.M.A.R.T (S.M.A.R.T Objectives)

Objetivos S.M.A.R.T.pdf140.2KB


📢Lead Magnet | 23 Aplicativos Que Vão Turbinar Sua Produtividade